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WRC World Resources Company GmbH is 100% Carbon Neutral!
WRC Commitment to quality

WRC strength and success are derived from its in-depth knowledge of environmental regulations, well-documented and formal management structure, knowledge of the marketplace it serves, financial resources, and commitment to excellence of its personnel.

WRC’s Quality and Environmental Management System was successfully certified for all production facilities world-wide by SGS. ISO 9001:2000 certification assures WRC customers that all checks and balances are in place to maintain high-quality processes from receipt of raw material through to the finished product. Similarly, ISO 14001:96 certification means that WRC procedures for handling and processing recyclable environmentally sensitive material meet the strictest requirements.

Additionally WRC World Resources Company GmbH received the certification as an approved recycling facility under German regulations and documents an organised and safe process of accepted materials under all environmental and quality aspects. Environmental regulations will not only be fulfilled, they will be exceeded.